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2023 show booklet covers-2.png

2023 Sections

Entries can be dropped off between

7am and 12pm on Thursday 25th May. Judging is from 1pm.


Section 1: Horses

Section 3: Sheep

Section 6: Merino Wool

Section 7: Sheep Dog Competition


Sections 8 - 12: Horticulture

Section 8: Fruit

Section 9: Produce

Section 10: Cut Flowers

Section 11: Floral Arts

Section 12: Pot Plants

Section 14: School Work


Sections 15 - 22: Handicrafts

Section 15: Art

Section 16: Photography

Section 17: Needle & Fancywork

Section 18: Knitting & Crochet

Section 19: Cookery

Section 20: Juvenile Cookery

Section 21: Preserves etc

Section 22: Craft Work


Section 23: Lego Construction

Section 24: Motorbikes


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